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"The Sacred Dance for Life", by Hafiz

Last weekend I taught an intensive workshop at my beloved Imagine Yoga Studio, my home studio in Oregon. I was amazed to feel the wonderful and powerful energy of the group moving freely with music. It's very sweet to reconnect with dance now that I'm 60. Dancing just for oneself and the gods is such a blessing!

Read this magnificent poem by Hafiz:

The Sacred Dance for Life

by Hafiz

I sometimes forget that

I was created for joy

My mind is too busy

My heart is too heavy

Heavy for me to remember

that I have been

called to dance

the sacred dance for life

I was created to smile

to love

to be lifted up

and lift others up

O sacred one

Untangle my feet

from all that ensnares

Free my soul

That we might


and that our dancing

might be contagious.

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