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Welcoming Summer

Gratitude is the word I think of as the colors become more vibrant in Nature. While researching and reviewing material to prepare for the Brain Health Series, I suddenly found myself exploring ways to make my brain healthier.

A lovely student from Imagine created a “Poetry Circle” where we share and discuss Poetry once a week, after the 7 am class. Another student gave me a wonderful guitar lesson: “Beginning Guitar, 6 Strings of Fun”. My husband taught me a few things about something he was learning called “Foundation Training”, and now we practice a sequence at home together, and attend a weekly class at PSU.

My personal practice is evolving, and I see the students, who are as vibrant as these summer colors, evolving and growing in their practice, curious, absorbing all the knowledge that I do my best to pass on. I’m constantly amazed as I hear their insightful comments and questions, as I am witness to their discovery and their personal process of Transformation.

Getting ready for the next session of the Viniyoga Yoga Therapy Training, preparing the next Mexico Viniyoga Retreat and my final project, kayaking, learning to walk and run, eating tasty food and drinking sips of water, I welcome the summer.

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