I have been reflecting on what it is to be a mother, what it is to relate to our mothers, and also what it is to relate to what can represent a Mother, such as the Earth, Nature, or a good friend that is nurturing and kind.
When we relate to others we learn so much about ourselves, when we give we receive, when we create we are part of that Mother, that feminine force that we all, men and women, have. When we relate, we also have to learn to let go.
In this workshop we will:
Acknowledge the creative force within ourselves through breath centered asana and specifically work with feet, hips and pelvic floor.
Learn more about our relationship patterns through a partner silent meditation, a "listening" exercise, as well as partner poses.
Learn tools that can help us to balance our system, with Pranayama techniques (breathing exercises), specifically Pratiloma Ujjayi and Nadi Sodana Pranayama.
Access a place of connection within ourselves, that can help us to stay steady in the face of change and challenging situations, through Meditation.
I'm looking forward to guide this workshop, and continue learning and discovering the beauty and challenge that it is being human, together.
Susana Laborde-Blaj
The next Mother's Day Workshp will be held at Imagine Yoga studio, on Sunday May 10th, from 12 pm to 2 pm.