We have a wonderful community of engaged people in my online yoga classes, and last Monday one of the students mentioned this poem in the conversation prior to the asana, pranayama & meditation practice. She particularly mentioned the end of the poem, which is:
"And it is okay if there are days
when you feel a little out of frame
and you hear rumbles of thunder
from where you thought the sky had cleared.
Though you cannot control the storm
it cannot hold you forever.
This is what the soul knows."
Thank you Kris!
Here is the full poem:
"You have endured
storms passing through,
and even though they shook you to your bones,
they did not stay with you.
Nothing more than yesterday's evening rain,
and though the ground is still damp in the morning,
this day is brand new.
And it is okay if there are days
when you feel a little out of frame
and you hear rumbles of thunder
from where you thought the sky had cleared.
Though you cannot control the storm
it cannot hold you forever.
This is what the soul knows."
Find this poem on page 180 of the beautiful book "All Along You Were Blooming", by Morgan Harper Nichols.
Learn more about her and her books at morganharpernichols.com